The spirit of jealousy must be cast out for people to serve God fully with the gifts He has placed inside them. Get out of the way with that spirit of jealousy and envy. Thank the Lord for the gift he has given you. Everyone in the body of Christ is needed. All parts are needed for the ministry to be successful. Period point blank. If you don’t like it take it up with God. God require us to get our houses in order especially His house. Stop gendering the move of God because your of jealousy. We are all needed and we all apart of one body and that is the body of Christ (.)
A womanizer is one of the worst humans God created. Would you like to know why? It’s because A WOMAM CARRIED YOU IN HER WOMB FOR NINE MONTHS AND GAVE BIRTH/LIFE TO YOU. How can you disrespect a human that carries another life inside her body. Especially, if you have children of your own and she carried your children inside her body and gave them life. Womanizer don’t care about any woman on God green earth. They don’t care about the mother of their children. My Lord, she had your children and you treat her like trash. I truly pray for all the women who have been a victim to these type of men especially those of you who have a child/children with him.
Thank you again Holy Spirit
Thank you Holy Ghost! The spirit of the Lord just revealed to me that the only reason Christians like to preach about what King David did and what Apostle Paul said is because they were flawed and committing sin like most of us. However, the don’t like to Preach about what Jesus said because Jesus was NOT A SINNER! Understand to be a follower of Christ is to have the mind of Christ not the mind of King David. King David constantly lived in error and had to pay for the consequences of his sin. Don’t get it twisted we are to be like Jesus not King David. King David lost a child. Do you want your children to die?
How do you honor a whore monger?
How do you honor a whore monger? This is a serious question I have asked myself since Wednesday evening. I have prayed about this. God hasn’t answered me yet. So, does anyone else have the answer? God always answers my questions but this one he didn’t answer. #somethingtoponder #TeamJesusForever