My quiet time with God

My God! He speaks to me!

It truly amazes me how the Spirit of the Lord speaks to me during my quiet time bathing 🧼 or showering 🚿.(water flowing)

So, the Spirit of the Lord just revealed a very true and good secret to me. I have attended 3 different Bible Colleges in the past 5 years. Now, read this carefully……

Each time I attended a college I was led by the spirit of God however, the pastoral recommendations were for the pastor’s own personal gain.. My God from Zion hep me….

You see, I believe that the Lord will show his prophets secrets about you that He the Lord hasn’t stirred up in you fully. They can see (seers) something you cannot see until it fully manifest. My Lord help me…..

They could see that I am anointed and chosen by God. I could see that the Holy Ghost leads me and I am a truth seeker period point blank. I am not and never have been swayed by the opinions of others.(Not even family members)

They could see that the Spirit of the Lord would show me things they could not see. The Spirit of the Lord would reveal great mysteries to me that would help their ministries. That the reason my emails and phones were hacked so they could hear my private dialogue with my Heavenly Father and then preach sermons from my private time with ABBA Father. My Lord help me….

During the classes after reading the assignments and answering the questions: I noticed that my answers were always more in depth than others, and that was because it came from the revelation knowledge from God the father; not just the Bible I was reading regardless of what version I was reading at the time. My God from Zion help me….

When I was 8 years old my dad taught me many things starting with chores. Cooking and cleaning; paying close attention to details, obeying, being quiet and listening especially because I am to be a wife someday. (STRUCTURE) by the way he was a single father at the time. Thank you Jesus for my earthly father! Hallelujah

My dad also taught me to always read and be ready. He has me reading his college history, economics and science books.(Real Life) So, during the summer time when I would visit him in St. Louis I was still in school. I was in school year around because my dad taught me we are nothing without an education(.) All my life I have been stuck on growing in knowledge and I genuinely love to learn. And once I have learned everything a teacher or preacher can teach me the Lord moves me period point blank. I am more advanced than some but it’s because of my African roots I was taught to read and study regardless of I was attending school or not. Thank you Jesus!

Now, understand that I am very spiritually mature and have many spiritual gifts and I thank God for the spiritual gift of discernment. I love everyone but there are some people with the spirit of pride that I cannot tolerate. I love you but I don’t like your character(.) There are some things I need to improve and so do you. None of us are at a highest potential and never will be until we graduate to heaven and some of you church goers will not be entering into the kingdom of heaven(.)

We need to thank you for His grace and mercy that renews everyday and stop being habitual complainers. God does not want to constantly here your complaints. He wants to know what is your strategy to make things better and for you to allow him to guide you through the process. Everything has a process and for those of you who skipped you maturing process because of connections it shows(.)

Do not shoot the messenger receive the message.

It is well with my soul
Love Always Rosina Akinola