We need you Jesus

Lord Jesus,

Please be a France around the city of Knoxville especially East Knoxville. The racial unrest is very real and tensions are rising but you are God! I know these things have to happen to open the eyes of your people. I will continue to watch and pray, which is hard to do being a black woman of God who has lost a son to gun violence. I cannot fathom what Anthony Thompson Jr’s family is experienced considering their son was murdered inside Austin East Magnet High School by the police. It’s heartbreaking and the family deserve some clarity and some type of peace. My Lord!

As a mother who’s death was on a tape I was never able to see, yet the police and people in the community saw it. I feel Anthony Thompson Jr’s family. Without seeing the video their are many unanswered questions. My situation with Little Sidney being murdered has no comparison to Anthony Thompson Jr’s horrific murder. You send your child to school to learn and he was gunned down by police. No matter what no one knows what truly happened without the video footage. Right now everything is hearsay and I don’t trust it and I’m sure his family doesn’t either.

We’ve got to learn in order to get anything done with the Police, we must remain calm. Yelling at the police and violence only upset the police and cause more people to get hurt. It does not help the situation it adds more hostility. When will we learn that understanding is better than strife? My Lord! I understand the anger I do, but there is a time and place for everything. We must be able to discern the times. We should have enough common sense to know that the DA’s office will not let go of the tapes until they are able to watch them thoroughly. I mean common sense tells me this. No matter how mad I am, I know the law. There are rules and regulations that have to be followed and unfortunately those officers did not follow the rules. But that is not the DA’s fault. The officers should have called a negotiator for God’s sake. There were four office to one I sure very terrified teen, who knew he was probably going to die because these police keep killing unarmed black men. My God, I know that child was terrified and they didn’t even get help for that child and that is unacceptable behavior. That seventeen year old child Anthony Thompson Jr should still be alive today and this is the truth. Help us Lord. We need you.

Love Always,

Your daughter Rosina