It’s time to pray and fast

Attention! It’s time for us to intercede in prayer for one another. Too many men and women of God are in spiritual warfare but don’t ask for others to intercede in prayer. However, we all have a common enemy and we need to reach heaven on behalf of one another. So, God has placed some men and women on my heart and I’m praying for you. Make no mistake about this; their is literally a war going on in the spiritual realm. I know the men and women connected to God can feel it. It’s time to pray and if are healthy enough to fast I strongly advise you to do so. Understand, God is moving around America 🇺🇸 for sure and the enemy keeps sending the same demons but with different names. The only way you will truly be able to discern them is by fasting and praying. I pray you all take heed to the Word from the Lord. Please read this with your spiritual knowledge and ask God for understanding. God is not the author of confusion but of order. And some of you are confused. That’s literally a demonic attack. We must be wise and pray for one another because we have a common enemy our adversary who is the devil. We all know Jesus is coming soon and demonic activity is increasing as the spirit of God is moving across out country. Wake up Church! This is not the time to sit back and be quiet nor do nothing at all. Stop being afraid and walk and speak in the Authority our Heavenly Father has given us. Be blessed stay encouraged but most of all fast and pray.