Forever grateful

It’s so amazing how the Lord has blessed me with three children. I tell you the truth, “When your children let you know they look up to in a positive way it’s truly the best feeling in the world.” You have no idea how many nights I have cried thinking I wasn’t a good mother. But God told me that was all lies from the enemy. He constantly reminded me to pay close attention to the words that my children would speak to me. They often would speak kind words about me in the third person. We always spoke in code to one another especially when we were in the presence of others. We all know who our enemies are so, we have to be careful about we say and whom we say it to. We do not just tell everyone all our business. So, if what we have told someone in confidence is ever repeated we know exactly which person to confront.

You see, everything is a test and many of us fail it over and over again. When a person comes to you in confidence it is for prayer. Not for you to repeat it as gossip. The body of Christ has this bad. It’s to the point where people are afraid the call the intercessory phone line at the church. Why?, you ask. Because, the intercessory team spreads the person’s prayer request as gossip. They do not say, “Let is come into agreement to pray for Jane Doe.” Instead the tell the prayer team, “ Did you hear about what Jane Doe’s husband, daughter, sons and mother did during this past year?” We have messed us tremendously and no one want to admit it!

It’s past time we do the true work for the Kingdom of God. This is the final day of 2020. Do you need heart surgery?

I thank God my answer is, “No!”

What’s your answer? Yes or No. Something to ponder.
