My dear mother

If my late mother Kecille Page was alive on today, she would alert everyone about me. She would tell you all, “ Accet the blessing when Rosina offers it to you, because if you reject it and ask for it later; you will not receive it. You missed out on your blessing, because she cannot be fooled or manipulated”. My mother would always tell people this about me because she knows my my heart. She know I genuinely care for others. She was a witness to my love, blessings and healing power. But her own choices is the reason she no longer with us. But, God knew what had to come to pass to get me where I need to be in life for such a time as this. I was the only child out of her four children who took care of her. I was her caregiver and I know God will bless me for honoring my mother and father in due time! I will reap everything good because believe it or not I have already reaped for the evil I committed. I have laid my depth to society and I am coming for what you wicked people owe me like it or not. You will pay for what you did to me and my children! Mark my words! Remember this date! Put it on your calendar! My words never fall to the ground! They shall come to pass!

You know who you are and you know what you did.