The Wrath of God

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ. It truly amazes me how you all believe in the blessings of God but not in His wrath. The same way the Lord will bless you, He will curse you.
God is not a man that his should lie. I believe the everything the Bible says. I believe what is written on the Bible about the consequences of our sin. I believe in the true prophets that warns God’s people when they have erred on their ways. People always want to talk about King David having victory of Goliath. But people seem to forget about King David being warned by the prophet that his son would die from him sinning. He took another mans husband who was one of his soldiers. A man in a position to keep him safe at all times all because he has slept with his wife and got her pregnant. As a result of King David sleeping with the soldier’s wife and getting her pregnant, then setting the soldier up to be killed in battle. The Prophet later came to King David and told him a story and asked King David what would he do if he were put on the same situation. Kind David answered the person should pay for what they did by death. Well, the Prophet then told King David that the child the woman was pregnant with will die as a result of him sleeping with her, setting the solider up to be killed and marrying the woman making her his second wife. Now, go read about King David the man after God’s own heart. After you read about Kind David’s reign. Read the book of Psalm because this book is truly about how he had to constantly repent to God and pray for God to deliver him out of the hands of his enemies because of the construction of him repeatedly sinning. Make no mistake King David was an adulterous murderer, who lost a son. Yes he defeated Goliath but he had to constantly go to the Lord in prayer and ask fo God not to take his spirit from him.
I hope you all understand that we must believe the whole Bible not just the victories but the loses. Understand, their are victories with great loses. Because God blessed King David with another son who was the wisest man who ever lived. But he had the same problem his father King David had which was women.
Now, go read the Bible it’s a good good book, full of exciting stories and lessons. Enjoy your weekend.
If you have time go listen to this now word from the Lord

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