Understand you do not want this to be your family’s new reality.

I never thought I would ever bury a child until I buried my son Sidney Maurice Jackson Jr. Understand that no one is exempt to burying a child. Stop judging people who have buried children because you just might be the next mom making funeral arrangements. Do think for one minute the Lord will continue to allow you to pass judgements about a situation you have never experienced. Keep passing judgements and you will be the next mother or father crying wanting answers about your son or daughter unsolved murder like many other parents here in Knoxville Tennessee. My son was a college student six months away from graduating and was murdered. There has been children that are athletes who have been killed. Children that had a great future ahead of them and they were killed. So understand, your child no matter how gifted or talented he or she may be can be killed. Stop with the judgements because you to shall be judged. 
